Sam Thorne, Sepake Angiama, Peggy Pierrot, The School Of Love
Charleroi danse / La Raffinerie
17/05 | 18:00 – 19:30
The Free School, a ten-day project dedicated within the festival to the sharing of practices, knowledge and reflections, opens with a collective discussion on what the future(s) of school(s) might look like. Away from the 19th century academic model and the interdisciplinary experiments of the early 20th, art schools and their students are shaped today by the dynamics of professionalization, student debt and public politics of austerity. They also sometimes transform into -or called for- an infinity of small-scale, bottom-up, critical, more or less temporary places where learning can take other meanings. As editor of the book Schools: A recent history of self-organized art education and founder of Open School East in London, Sam Thorne has gone into conversation with artists and curators who initiated their own art schools or pedagogies all around the world. Acknowledging this shift more intensively from the 2010’s on, Sam Thorne will share his insights on this survey of self-organized-schools, providing a historical and methodological overview of this scattered and ever-evolving landscape. Together with Sepake Angiama (who will start a 4-day School of Darkness the next day on), Peggy Pierrot (tutor at les Ateliers des Horizons in Grenoble) and members of The School Of Love, and starting from their own experiences, they will discuss the potentialities of re-placing the site of education in a non institutional setting through artist-run pedagogical projects.